I love living in Queensland. The weather is always warm, the days are sunny and even if it rains, you still can feel the warmth. Spending time outdoors is a treat. And our body loves it! Yet, when we talk about the outdoors, we need to note the effects of the Sun on our health.
March is a Melanoma month, and that is why in today’s blog post I want to shine some light on our body’s largest organ – the skin. Skin protection is a daily event, not only during Melanoma March. And although the Sun plays a role here, our skin can be impacted by a number of factors.
So, let’s have a look at ways we can give our skin that well deserved attention and get the glow back.
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The secrets to skin
Do you know that our skin takes part in several very important functions? First of all, it is the largest organ of our body. It provides protection to our internal organs (such as kidneys, liver, stomach etc.), bones, tissues as well as it shields us from overheating.
Skin is involved in our detoxification process. And the detoxification process is one of the most important processes our body performs. Think about it, detoxification is a process where all the harmful substances are being removed from your body, so they won’t harm you. How amazing is that! Every time you perspire, your body cleanses itself from what is not wanted.
But our skin is also a perfect messenger that there may be some underlying issues with our health. In my previous blog post, The signals your body sends you (read it HERE if you missed it), I talk about how our body sends us signals that what we eat, drink, the way how we move, think, or the things we believe in don’t serve us. And one of the body’s messengers to let us know that is the skin. Anything from a rash, depigmentation, dryness, breakouts to severe issues such as rosacea, acne, eczema, or dermatitis are all ways your skin tells that you need to pay more attention to what is happening for you.
So, how do you look after your skin? Here are 5 ways to do it.
What can you cover up?
Covering up our largest organ is important, especially when we talk about melanoma. Melanoma is a form of skin cancer that occurs when the pigment-producing cells (so the cells that give our skin its colour) become cancerous. Although, as with any form of illness, there is never one cause of it. It is known that exposure to the harsh Sun (to be exact it is the exposure to the ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight) can cause melanoma to be formed.
Make sure that you monitor your Sun exposure, especially when the UV is high, and protect your skin by either applying sunscreen, covering it with clothes, or staying in the shade.
Savvy Hydration
Our body consists of up to 60% of water. Therefore, we cannot overestimate the importance of hydration when we discuss our skin’s health. If you notice any dryness on your skin, it is a sign that the levels of water in your body are low and need to be replaced.
As you remember, your skin takes part in the detoxification process. The more harmful toxins your body needs to evacuate, the more each key player in the process is compromised. And any water and mineral loss needs to be recovered.
Having a glass of water on your desk when you work is a great way of making sure you drink enough throughout the day. And if drinking plain water doesn’t seem that appealing to you, try adding a splash of lemon, cucumber, or some mint.
Is stress impacting your skin?
Have you ever been told that after going through very challenging times, it looks like you have aged? Whether we realize it or not, stress has a profound impact on all areas of our health and wellbeing, and our skin can certainly show signs of stress.
And I know that you want to have glowing skin. After all, glowing skin is a sign of good health. Therefore, managing the stress and overwhelm in your life is vital in looking after your largest organ.
During the stress response (the fight or flight response) which is triggered every time your brain perceives danger, many vital processes are being shut down. This happens because when you are facing danger, the most important thing for you is to survive, and your body will do anything to make sure that you do. Functions such as immune and digestive systems are being shut down, as well as any beauty processes. In that life-threatening moment your body doesn’t particularly care about the state of your hair, nails, the look of your skin, or if you are hungry or not. This means that all the needed minerals and vitamins are not being delivered to your skin to repair itself and look healthy.
The longer you stay in a state of stress, the less glow you will have. Understanding where your stress comes from, how to manage it, and adopting calming techniques can not only reduce stress and improve your health on many levels but also make your skin thrive.
Of course, our skin needs a lot of vitamins and minerals to shine, but one of the most important is collagen.
In a nutshell, collagen is a protein that gives our skin that fresh, healthy, and youthful look. Our body produces collagen naturally, but the older we get, the less collagen is being produced. Therefore, we not only want our body to keep producing collagen, but we also want it to maintain the levels of collagen we have.
There are a lot of collagen supplements on the market promising to replace the missing protein, but I would like to encourage you to think about ways to build new collagen as well as prevent it from any damage.
Studies show that Vit C is particularly important in helping to maintain collagen levels. Citrus fruit, broccoli, or capsicum are great sources of Vit C. So, make sure to add them into your diet, so your skin looks radiant.
Can you eat what you put on your skin?
Our skin is a magnificent organ. It is not only that it can remove any toxins from our body via perspiration, but it can also absorb substances. Think about any nicotine patches or hormone replacement therapy patches. Our body simply gets a missing element delivered through the skin.
However, it also goes the other way. Any products our skin has contact with have the potential of leaking into our bodies. That is why it is so important to use cosmetics prepared with natural ingredients whenever possible. And avoid any harsh chemicals in products we use day-to-day like for example dishwashing liquid or hand soap.
A lot of experts suggest that if you cannot eat the product, you should not be putting it on your skin. That is why any natural oils or butters delivered from plants and nuts make such a great cosmetic.
Next time you notice your skin being dry try coconut oil as your moisturizer and your skin will thank you for it.
Melanoma March is an important initiative to build awareness about one of the most dangerous skin conditions. But looking after our skin is a daily job.
Skin is the shield for our internal organs, bones, tissues and it protects us from other dangers such as overheating. It also plays an important role in the detoxification process, helping our body to remove all the harmful toxins via perspiration. But skin also plays the role of our body’s massager to tell us that something we eat, think, or possibly the way we move doesn’t serve us.
Protecting your skin from the harsh UV from sunlight is a good way to start taking care of your skin. Don’t forget to stay hydrated because your body consists of 60% water. And any water loss needs to be replaced.
Stress is a big factor determining if your skin glows or it looks tired. The more stress you have in your life, the fewer resources are sent to your skin, preventing it from looking and performing its best.
As we age, our collagen production decreases. Therefore, increasing and maintaining the levels of collagen needs to be a priority. Consumption of vitamin C can help with keeping our collagen in check.
Our skin is a magnificent organ, and it can absorb substances our body needs. But this also means that if the cosmetics we apply to our body contain toxic substances, those substances can leak into our body and potentially cause harm. The healthiest products to put on our skin, are products that you can eat.
So, what is your favorite way of looking after your skin?
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