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Pink Blouse

#7: Can You Really Have More Time?

We all go through seasons in life. At the moment, you may be in a season of being overwhelmed, stressed, pressured, and lacking time.  Or you may enjoy calmness, peace, and growth.

Let’s face it. The Festive season can get a bit crazy. You may have many competing deadlines, priorities, and that last minute shopping to do. In essence, you may feel stressed feeling like there are not enough hours in the day to fit it all in.


In today’s episode, I want to take you on a short trip to meet your new best friend – time. I’ll show you how the relationship with time you have (Trust me on this, you do have a relationship with time!) determines if you have time or not.


Whether the season of life you are in right now, there are ways to have more time. And I don’t mean, more time to do more chores, fit more other people’s agendas in, or to put more fires out. I mean, to have more time for you, for your family, your growth, dreams, hobbies, health, and anything else in between that matters to you.


Give yourself the gift of time, relax this busy season, and see how upgrading your mantras about time, gives you the rewards you seek.


So, tune in!


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