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Woman at Work

#11 Overwhelm VS You: Instant Overwhelm Relief with These 3 Strategies

Regain Focus. Forget about the to-do list. Stop the constant overwhelm and stress. Get things done.

That moment when you look at your to-do list and realise there is not enough time in the day to do it all is overwhelming. To tackle anything, you need to have solutions. And sometimes all you need is a quick fix.


In today’s episode, I share 3 super easy, super quick, instant strategies to stop feeling overwhelmed. You can implement one or all there to give your brain and body relief.


Let’s face it, you can’t be productive and feel accomplished when you are spinning wheels and running on empty.  Our overloaded brain can’t perform at a high speed all the time. It needs constant stress breaks.


Our lives are getting busier and there is no sign of slowing down so next to your long-term strategies, you need a fast-acting strategy that boosts your confidence and energy in the moment.


Overwhelm doesn’t need to stop you. You have the power to refocus, recharge, and reignite. You decide how you are going to break the overwhelm and keep going.


So, tune in!


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